Workshop & Seminar

Workshop & Seminars

Data Science using Python

Full Stack Development Python

Network Security

Website Development

Machine Learning

Cyber Security

Big Data

One day Workshop was Organized on "Cloud Computing 101" on 25th February 2020 KLE BCA Khanapur.

One day Workshop was Organized on "DBMS and SQL" implementation in IT... On 21st December 2019 from 10AM for BCA students.

"Poster Making" and Story Narration activity conducted for BCA students on 30th August 2019.

Workshop was conducted on "Testing Automation and Quality Assurance" for our BCA students and invited Mrs. Smita Surekar, Senior Software Testing Engineer, Wipro Technologies, Pune.

  • #Workshop Conducted one day Workshop on Program Logic Development Skills on 21st September 2019 @kle_bca_khanapur.
  • Organized One day Workshop on “Cloud Computing 101” on 25th February 2020 Kle Bca Khanapur.
  • Poster Making and Story Narration activity conducted for BCA students on 30th August 2019.
  • Today we conducted workshop on “Testing Automation and Quality Assurance” for our BCA students and invited Mrs. Smita Surekar, Senior Software Testing Engineer, Wipro Technologies, Pune.
  • Congratulations to all First Semester students and Toppers for excellent results.